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Cervical Orgasms: God’s Greatest Gift

Yes: God wants you to have them, and wants you to have lots of them.

One of the most common things we hear when women start having cervical orgasms is:

“I saw God!”

For clarity’s sake, let’s define God as spirit, energy, nature, the life force of the universe—whatever you want to call it.

So women get f**ked really, really well—whether by themselves, or with their partner—and they “see God.”
They feel:

  • At one with life.
  • In sync with the rhythm of life and in touch with people and the flow of the universe.
  • Bliss radiating through their bodies and emotions. They are transmitting signals of ecstasy constantly.
  • Deeply connected to themselves, and truly LOVE being in their own skin, as opposed to feeling like they want to crawl out of it and dissociate.

They transcend their little selves, and their mind grooves and elevate to a more beautiful version of who they are, acting from their highest selves.

They find intuition, grace, compassion and love.

They radiate beauty and flow.

  • Finding God and salvation through the body, not by avoiding it
  • What do cervical orgasms feel like?
  • My top 5 tips for having them
  • Three all-stars share their God-seeing moments in cervical orgasms
  • How I find God

Listen to the episode now:

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The Well-F**ked Woman Salon is open!

In this 8-week online salon, I’ve compiled the best of my 30 years of orgasmic experience (!) to take you over the edge into a lifetime of bliss.

You’ll learn:

– Step-by-step instructions for the deeper vaginal orgasms: G-Spot, cervical and squirting
– How to transform challenging menstruation, PMS and menopause into blissful portals
– Self-pleasuring 101 and how to channel sexual energy into creative genius
– Using your feminine essence to build a life of ease and pleasure
– Breast massage to tone, lift and activate the orgasmic potential of the breasts
– How to give your man enlightened blow jobs and hand jobs

Come and get it.


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TRANSCRIPT: Cervical Orgasms: God’s Greatest Gift

Yes: God wants you to have them, and wants you to have lots of them

One of the most common things we hear when women start having cervical orgasms is:

“I saw God!”

For clarity’s sake, let’s define God as spirit, energy, nature, the life force of the universe—whatever you want to call it. Some people obviously have a more personified idea of what that is, but I think most people can agree on some kind of general definition like this.

So women get fucked really, really well—whether by themselves, or with their partner—and they “see God.”

They feel deeply connected to themselves, and truly LOVE being in their own skin, as opposed to feeling like they want to crawl out of it and dissociate.

They feel in sync with the rhythm of life and in touch with people and the flow of the universe.

They feel at one with life.

They transcend their little selves, and their mind grooves and elevate to a more beautiful version of who they are, acting from their highest being.

They find intuition, grace, compassion and love.

They radiate beauty and flow.

And, their bodies and their emotions feel blissful. Their bodies are transmitting signals of ecstasy constantly.

As they were meant to.

Does that sound like seeing or feeling “God”?

I think so.

People have even more dramatic and poetic descriptions of their cervical orgasm experiences, which you’ll hear about in today’s Well-F**ked All Star interviews a bit later.

If you’ve come from a religious background, where sex was shunned, shamed, taboo—or, ironically and horrifically, you were violated at the hands of some kind of religious representative, you’ll have very conflicted views on sex and God, and may have even bought into the narrative that God (if we’re now attributing human characteristics to “GOD”) doesn’t want people having sex or pleasure, apparently.

In what kind of fucked up universe did this idea get attributed to GOD?

It’s pretty obvious to me, that even if there are some kinds of spiritual truths still remaining in religious texts, the parts forbidding sexual pleasure are entirely human edits.

Meaning, these books and writings have been re-written with control mechanisms to limit human freedom and potential.

That’s not something that “GOD” does.

The truth is, that your sexual organs and your sexuality are potent generators and sources of the most abundant, powerful, pro-creative energy that we have access to.

All at our literal fingertips.

It’s truly the most successful psyop IN THE WORLD, that has convinced people to be terrified of their own bodies.

Anything or anyone that tells you that sex is dirty, bad, shameful, destructive—is lying.


The truth is that your body is actually the pathway to God.

All the beliefs and notions that somehow the body leads you away from God are wrong.

Many of the things that bring me closer to God, involve using my body in the most vigorous ways: such as:

  • Having cervical orgasms
  • Having extended, marathon sex dates – the longer you go, the deeper you can go
  • Self-pleasuring
  • Breast massage
  • Yoni massage
  • Exercise: running, especially running in the woods or on the beach, but even in the city
  • Surfing
  • Hiking
  • Working out with weights
  • Pilates

To name a few.

All of these things involve going deeply into the body and using it as a path to salvation.

I looked up the definition of “salvation” and the synonym I like most for it is:


I get delivered/ transported out of my little self and into my higher one.

I access higher realms of existence within myself, and then by extension, out here in this physical universe.

Of all these things, my cervical orgasms take me there the fastest and the most profoundly.

This is why I am so emphatic about ALL women having these orgasms.

The good-fuck medicine of cervical orgasms is essential daily nourishment for all women.

Not just physically, for all the orgasmic benefits and having the means to “tuning fork” yourself into bliss every day, but for the spiritual ones too.

Being cleansed, cleared, and reborn.

Like a spiritual awakening.

From your vagina.

In Taoist sexual reflexology, the cervix is considered to be the heart point.

Stimulating it helps to open the heart. And open heart helps to release the cervix.

When the cervix is activated through deep pleasure, it radiates out as love and a feeling of connectedness and oneness with all.

The cervix is also aligned with the vagus nerve, which is considered to be the most spiritual nerve in the body.

That turned on energy flows all the way up to the crown chakra, where the vagus goes.

And that’s also why women feel like they connect God, spirit, the life-force energy of the universe.

All this and more.

In your cervix.

Before we get to today’s all star interviews—and we have three GOLDEN ones—let’s go through some of the steps to achieving this orgasms.

I go into much greater detail in my How to Be a Well-F**ked Woman Salon, but here is a primer:

1 Clear your blocks.

Of all the things that keep people from tapping into and owning their sexual energy, religious and cultural programming are some of the strongest.

Add onto that some sexual trauma, and it can be very difficult to access your pure sexual life force energy.

Or to be terrified of it.

This has to be worked through and cleared for you to truly touch these places in yourself and access the bliss and ecstasy of the body AND the spirit, that are your birthright.

After all, you are BORN with all this apparatus, right?

It’s yours to use.

I always talk about conscious vs. unconscious use, but used consciously these pleasure centers of the body are a pathway to enlightenment.

2) Own your yoni and breasts.

Reconnect with your sexual organs. Or maybe even connect for the first time.

There are a lot of women out there who have never even put their fingers in their own vaginas.

That’s gotta change!

If you want to reach these deep spiritual and sexual places, you start in your own body.

And I mean IN!!

Yoni massage, breast massage, having a regular self-pleasuring practice.

All of these things are keys to your queendom.

Spend time with yourself and explore. Set aside at least 30, and ideally 60 minutes, or even better, a whole morning, where your whole purpose is to touch yourself and awaken your sensual and orgasmic potential.

Remember, if you build it, they will come.

3) Using a jade yoni egg.

Since most—if not all—vaginas are numb, using a jade is one of the fastest ways to wake up your vagina.

You do this through building strength in the muscles and rejuvenating the tissues with the exercises I teach.

I also work with all the emotional and energetic dimensions of reclaiming these parts of you, so that your vagina becomes a mover and shaper in your life, as you learn how to consciously create your world.

You can find my Jade Egg Salonette year round in the Anami Alchemia online shop and my famous and infamous Vaginal Kung Fu Salon runs once a year in February. You can signup here.

4) Cervical orgasm dildos.

As I’ve said, it’s totally possible to achieve cervical orgasms on your own, using everything I’ve mentioned so far, plus a good-sized cock!

And I can give you that.

I’ve designed two different cervical couture dildos which we carry in our Anami Alchemia online shop.

We have Anahata, which is phase one and a longer specimen, and Seva, which is phase two, and a girth-ier model.

I recommend using them in tandem with Akasha, the G-Spot toy, as part of our Holy Trinity set.

That way you can fuck yourself progressively, starting with Akasha, moving onto Anahata, and then you finish it off with Seva.

This way you open the vagina incrementally, all the way home.

5) Learning the feminine art of surrender and receptivity.

We’re going to buck the current trend of rejecting the body you were born with and instead, owning it.

Going deeply, deeply into what it means to have your physical female form, as we’ve already been talking about with these physical self-exploration and connection practices, but also, what are the archetypal energies of the feminine?

Flow, receptivity, openness, radiance, magnetism.

Fully opening up to and embracing these energies will lead you further into the truth and WISDOM that being in a female body has to offer you.

It’s one of the most subtle things to talk about and teach, but it’s often the most profound.

DO you have a hard time letting go? Do you need to be in control all the time?

To access the power in being a woman, and the power in your vagina and cervix, you need to master the art of surrendering.

Of releasing all of your mental cares, ego thoughts, superimposed conditioning and open your heart and legs to the penetration of a lover and of the universe.

And it is there that you will find God.

And cervical orgasms.


1) Today’s well-f**ked all stars have some epic, cosmic, life-changing experiences to share about their cervical orgasms.

We have:

Sarah who comes from a religious background: “I honestly feel, in a way, closer to God.”

And Premala: “It’s like my body repairs itself and goes out into the next field and into the next field and into the next field. I’m closing all the fractures that have come due to all the pain and suffering that my body has taken on in this lifetime and potentially many other lifetimes.”

And Selvi, who talks about the emotional release. She says: “So much is stored in the body. I can’t tell you the number of times that I would either cry or feel anger or just start laughing.”

And Mara and her husband Phil:  “It’s like my cells get a recharge all at once.”

Well-F**ked All Star INTERVIEWS

SARAH: I honestly feel, in a way, closer to God. I said, “Wow, he didn’t make this to be bad; he made this to be pleasurable. I wouldn’t have the capability to do that if it wasn’t in me.” It just completely changed my life, so thank you. [Laughs]
It’s kind of interesting because I remember when I first learned that they were even possible. I didn’t even know I had a cervix until I was19 or 20 years old, because all I was taught was I had a vagina.

KIM: Right.

SARAH: I didn’t know anything, any anatomy. For me, physically, they’re nothing like a clitoral orgasm, nothing. Clitoral orgasms kind of remind me of when you walk up a little 15-foot ledge and then you jump off a 10-foot waterfall. It’s like, “Whew!” And then it’s done—goodbye.

Whereas a cervical orgasm, to me, feels like you’re just going further and deeper and deeper. You’re vibrating and it’s consuming, it’s powerful, and it spreads throughout the entire body. It’s this orgasmic, spiritual, enlightening, intense, but also safe, in a way, climax. It lasts longer for me. I’ve had them last for hours at times. Not every single time, but they’re definitely something that you feel throughout your entire body. You get this incredible massage and spiritual tune-up, and you just let out all these tears of emotion and you don’t even know what you’re crying about.

It just feels incredible. I’ve never had anything like it, so it’s kind of hard to compare it to something else, because it’s not like anything else. Every time I have one, I feel healed. I feel like everything is going to be okay and everything is safe. But it’s not like a clitoral orgasm where it’s centrally located to the vagina. It’s literally inside out, every fiber of your being—your hair, your eyelashes, everything.

[Laughs] Does that make sense?

I think clitoral orgasms are good for when you go and visit in-laws and family members who are kind of annoying. I don’t do drugs or drink or anything, so I think, Okay, I’m not going to go smoke a cigarette. Let me go to the bathroom and touch my clit for a minute. Now I have a little bit of a way to mentally process being around these annoying people.

But that’s what they’re good for, in my opinion.

PREMALA: As far as the cervical orgasm goes, the first time I had one, I cried. I literally cried and cried because it was an opening. And then I have this really interesting thing that happens to me where I start laughing. A lot. A ridiculous amount of laughing. Stupid laughing. I can’t believe how much laughter there is, and sometimes I can’t stop. He just says, “Enh, she’s laughing,” and he keeps moving through it and just keeps working me for whatever it is, and it just keeps happening.

The cervical orgasm, sometimes because we’ve been at this playfully, where it’s been ongoing through the day, when he ends up actually fucking me, it’s like I hit that spot of a cervical orgasm so fast because it’s been building and building and building; it might be the third or fourth time we’ve had sex in the day and that’s when I actually hit it.

It’s like my body is just building this—

DAVID: It’s primed.

PREMALA: —energy. [Laughs] Yeah, primed. To have this—

KIM: Did you say the third or fourth time that you’ve had sex during the day?


KIM: You guys are delightfully making up for lost time?

PREMALA: Delightfully.

DAVID: We have a commitment.

PREMALA: I’m healing that through the work you have created, Kim, doing the egg practice, having sex with my husband. But it’s not sex—making love to him on a daily basis. By doing all of this, I’m healing my auric fields. I’m allowing it. Every time I come, every time I have this sense of buildup and orgasm, it’s like the big bang all over again. It’s like my body repairs itself and goes out into the next field and into the next field and into the next field. I’m closing all the fractures that have come due to all the pain and suffering that my body has taken on in this lifetime and potentially many other lifetimes.

That’s how I feel right now. That’s what this work has given me access to. It’s allowed me to talk to people. It’s given me the ability to see. And to think I came from a space where I couldn’t even have him touch me. I was completely shut down, to where we couldn’t even be close. I think to myself now, “How the hell did we even manage to stay together?”


SELVI: Sexuality was a place where I had held myself back for arguably most, if not all of my life, and I’d never really been able to relax. I’d been able to orgasm, but it would just be a quick little hit, not really anything long or extended.

Realizing that I didn’t have to rush to the finish line and I could actually relax and enjoy the process was sort of the beginning of understanding what surrender felt like in my body. Then to be able to release and to allow those orgasms to come and to feel how different the cervical orgasms and the G-spot orgasms are to clitoral orgasms—there was so much more depth, and it was just beautiful.

Even in terms of emotional release, so much is stored in the body. I can’t tell you the number of times that I would either cry or feel anger or just start laughing. [Laughs] After a good full-on cervical orgasm, I’d be giggling hysterically, and I said, “Whoa! Okay.”

I’m kind of laughing over here because it’s just such a change from what it used to be. Right afterward, I feel excited. I feel energized. I feel motivated to use that energy to go and do something, whether it’s to be creative or to go out for a walk or go out with friends or what have you. But there’s some outlet for that energy that actually comes up, which I didn’t know existed prior. That’s for sure.

Then in terms of how I take that out into the world, there’s this radiance to me now. There’s a magnetism to me that has really shifted since the salon. People are just drawn to me; things happen so much easier. I live in New York City. Honestly, in the past week alone, there have been four guys who begged me to give them my phone number. “What would it take for me to take you out to dinner? You’re just so stunningly gorgeous.” It’s the radiance; it’s not just the physical exterior, which has just been mind-blowing to me. Every now and then I still have to stop and say, “What? He’s talking to me?” [Laughs]

One guy was riding his motorbike, and I have a thing for motorbikes, and he let me cross the street; he was coming from the opposite direction. He turned around so we were now in the same direction of the street, pulled his bike onto the curb, and begged me for my number. [Laughs] “You are a goddess. What would it take for me to take you out to dinner?” [Laughs]

KIM: Did you say yes to any of them? Out of curiosity.

SELVI: Well, I was tempted to—I mean, I was flattered—but I’m actually seeing someone, so it was really interesting to see how much more this is happening since I’ve been seeing this guy.

KIM: In terms of upping your well-fucked radiance or upping that energy and wearing even more of it.

SELVI: Yes, exactly. It’s palpable. [Laughs]


MARA: We did not have a great sexual connection. It was fine, it was sex, but it wasn’t gourmet sex, as you say.

You said, “My lover can touch my arm and I have…” and I said, “No way, that’s BS.” But now I realize, “Yeah [laughs], that can totally happen.”

The other day I had two orgasms before Phil even entered me. I said, “Whoa! How is this happening?” It’s practice and it’s honesty and it’s openness and it’s vulnerability. Yeah. We have this deep spiritual connection that’s so much farther beyond the physical, and before sex was just physical. “Did that feel good to you?” “Yeah.” “Did that feel good to you?” “Yeah.” “Cool.” Success. [Laughs] It’s not for that anymore. I mean, there’s still that element to it, but it’s way, way bigger.

KIM: Tell me about your orgasmic evolution as well. You said before you were having clitoral orgasms, sometimes only after using a vibrator. And then you had your first cervical orgasm. Was it after just giving birth? Tell me again the story about how that evolved.

MARA: It was on my birthday. Elvis was six weeks old. Now he’s almost two. We didn’t wait until six weeks. I think we waited days after giving birth.

Yeah, he was six weeks old, and it was my birthday. I think we were still kind of working through a lot of big bumps and I was still really insecure. I had a hard time letting go, releasing. We’d started and stopped and started and stopped. And then all of a sudden, I just started shaking. I don’t think you’d seen that before.

PHIL: No. No. No, I’d never seen that.

MARA: So we stopped, and he asked, “Are you okay?” And by that point, I was sobbing and just sobbing and sobbing. I said, “I think I just had a cervical orgasm; hey, this is what she said the symptoms were.” For the first while I would sob and sob, sometimes for 30 minutes afterward. He would just hold me, and I would ugly cry. I guess I had a lot of things to release.

Now, every once in a while I’ll have some emotion that comes up that wants to come through and it’s just tears welling up, but it’s different. It’s like a full-body deep breath. It’s like my cells get a recharge all at once and just [sigh].

And you have to be open to have that happen, but being open and then having that orgasm, you’re even more open than you ever thought possible, and then it just keeps happening. “There’s another one; there’s another one.” We don’t count. He said ten. No, it’s triple that sometimes.

I love the way that you say gourmet because it feels like you’re just feeding all of your cells, all of your organs, your skin, your hair. I just feel so fed and nourished and loved and taken care of and settled.


My legendary WFW salon is now open for registration!

In this 8-week, online program, we cover all of these body exploration practices from breast massage to self-pleasuring 101 as well as my step-by-step guides to G-Spot, cervical and squirting orgasms.

A huge thread woven through the entire salon is learning how to surrender and live from your feminine energy to create your world, all while nourishing yourself: from your source: Your sexual energy!

I also walk you through how to clear your blocks and USE your oh-so-potent sexual energy to heal.

All this and so much more!

The WFW is now open and you can signup at comingtogeth.wpenginepowered.com. Look for Sexual Savant Salons and click on How to Be a Well-F**ked Woman.

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