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2022 Gift Guide: For Her

I come bearing gifts. Our annual erotic gift guides.

Part 1: For Her (below)
Part 2: Click Here For Him

In the Anami Rules of Orgasms for Her, one is never enough.
Here is your erotic toolkit to ensure that your woman remains well-f**ked and multi-orgasmic for life.

The Holy Trinity

Come, all ye faithful. The Holy Trinity™ has it all. Length, girth and curve. This potent combination of our three masterful dildos delivers all the stimulation a woman needs to access her true vaginal potential.

$897 USD


A Sex Week at Soneva Fushi

Get wet, in the Maldives.

Barefoot luxury, overwater pool villas, Michelin-starred chefs and a fully fledged med-spa, and snorkelling with manta rays. If you manage to leave your room, that is. If not, your own private butler will attend to your every need. 

The Botanist Pink Stowaway Luggage

For the stylish sex weekend. Plenty of room for all your erotic accoutrements.
In a sea of black… be pink.

$716 USD

Yoni Egg Kit + Salonette

A brand new vagina: The best gift you can get.

Our beautiful egg kit, plus video instructions and
guided mp3 exercises.
$299 USD

Agent Provocateur Dioni Red Lingerie Set

If the cure for FUKME was an outfit. Adorn her body in sultry red bondage before ravishing her.

$1845 USD


Sapphire Ombre Ring

Rare beauty.

$4600 USD


Higher Dose Red Light Mask

Beauty is inches deep. Red light penetrates to rejuvenate skin with noticeable results in weeks, many claim.

$239 USD


Anami Aphrodisia Body Oil Collection

An essential part of the three-hour sex date boudoir kit. Love, on every inch of her body.

Yoni Ambrosia
This potent blend of yoni-happy plants will soothe, enliven and fortify your essence.

$69 USD


Aphrodisia Sensual Massage
Our general full-body massage oil is a sultry concoction to open the heart and the legs.

$69 USD


Breast Bliss
Awakens, beautifies, lifts, tones and opens the heart.

$99 USD

Breast Massage Oil


Sex Weekend at the Faena

Stay in this marvel of interior design, soak up the sensual Miami vibes and take in the weekend cabaret in the hotel’s private theater. In addition to whatever you get up to in your suite.


Fleur du Mal Emerald Lingerie Set

Bold and seductive.

$404 USD


Emerald Embroidery Bra

$185 USD

Emerald Embroidery Panty 

$88 USD

Emerald Embroidery Garter

$128 USD




Olamii Baroque Pearl Necklace

Or make your own.

$230 USD


Luscious Crystal Elixir

Tap into the deep healing power of crystals to clear sexual blockages and open to your orgasmic flow.

$199 USD


Anima Mundi Organic Rose Petal Powder

DIY elixirs. Open your heart and lighten your load, with a daily dose of rose.

$24 USD



Agent Provocateur Crystal Feather Tickler 

When you want to nail your extended foreplay game.

$620 USD

Agent Provocateur Willa Pink Lingerie Set

Both of you will look good on your knees when she’s in this.

$255 USD


Demi Cup Bra



Ouvert Panty 


Structured Water by Flaska

Replenish during sex dates, improve hydration and coherence on a cellular level by drinking crystalline, structured water from the Flaska Vodan Water Jug. Tested in experiments by the legendary Masuru Emoto.

$55 USD

For Eternity Ring

Features pink, purple, grey and white sapphires.

One-of-a-kind for a one-of-a-kind.

$8900 USD


Kiki de Montparnasse Tassled Bondage Belt

Oh the noises she’ll make when she’s tied, tethered and aching for you to release her.

$224 USD


Lumebox Portable Red Light Therapy

When you can’t get your genitals out in the sun, bring the red light to you.
Beneficial for everything from increasing testosterone to decreasing fine lines.

$599 USD


Agent Provocateur Christie Short Kimono

Another layer to unwrap.

$1245 USD


YES Botanical Raw Cacao

Refuel on your sex dates with organic, raw, wild and botanically-powered chocolate. Fortified with premier herbs to stimulate and arouse.

$27 USD


Agent Provocateur Crystal Whip

How bad has she been? Show her.

$395 USD


Avocado Organic Wedge Pillow

To attain uncompromising positions.

$179 USD


The Post-Structuralist Vulva Coloring Book

Everyone needs a c*nt to color.
This hilarious and rather therapeutic book features a lot of creative takes on vulva placement ’round the world.
I’m particularly fond of the all-seeing vulva over the pyramid: i.e. when things are in their rightful place.

$15 USD


Conspiracy Theory Mug

How many “conspiracy theories” of yours have come true?

Personally, I’m all out. What a time to be alive.

$19.99 USD









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